Sunday, December 11, 2011

Photo Pics : Lunar eclipse

Lunar eclipse. This is enough to say about it. whole moment is capture here. Now, some experiments & environment  during Eclipse shown in below images.

TV Tower in Ahmedabad

Moon up & between two bricks

All this three are writing work using venus(shukra grah) as pen. Like your camera set to lower shutter speed (first two imaage have 1 sec. & third has 3 sec.), then camera can't be steady in your hand.
So, during that time movement of star(here case of planet) stored like these images. 
(May be you should tray, you can write your name using star.)

Hand is also very attractive thing for photography. Luna can be settle down on hand or nay be became eye. 

So, salute it. Good Bye. !!! Meet you in 2013. !!!